Monday 22 June 2009

Any movement?


Long time since my last entry, I know, but without followers asking questions or adding comments, there isn't much I need to add myself that often. My book has been out a little over three weeks now, and I am still waiting to hear the sound of heavy footsteps beating a path to my door because the world wants to buy my book. But to put things into perspective, I went into our local Card & Gift shop where I had placed five, signed copies of THE THIRD SECRET together with a small, A4 display poster. They told me they had sold four copies. It brought a big smile to my face. It means I may get a run on the book! I might have to put another five copies in! So, Dan Brown, watch your back! It's funny, isn't it, how lttle things please little minds? But I jest; I really want to see my book up there on the bookshelves with all the other top authors. I have had some good comments about the book from friends and strangers alike, but they don't translate themselves into sales. I'll keep trying though. My first publisher once told me that I would need about five books in print before I could establish a readership. Although I have six books to my credit, only four are in print. Next month I will be sending my next manuscript, A COVERT WAR to my publisher. God willing it will mean I will eventually have five books out there. Wish me luck!

Monday 1 June 2009

What now?

Last week saw the official publication of my novel. All I can do now is wait and see if any of my efforts at promotion will be rewarded. I have had a review posted on by Thomas Duff, an Amazon reviewer (top 50). He gave THE THIRD SECRET a four star rating and a good review. Check it out. A friend of mine was almost ecstatic about the book and got annoyed because my publisher wasn't rushing out hundreds, ney - thousands of copies. But in the end it's down to the agents to sell the book, and for the buying public to get out there and buy it. Wish me luck!